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Need to Find an Attorney for a New Jersey Domestic Violence Case?

Written by Scura Law Firm | February 2, 2015

Domestic violence is an all-too-frequent occurrence in the context of a divorce, separation or estrangement between spouses or romantic partners.

Do You Need a Restraining Order?

People who are otherwise reasonable, law-abiding citizens may lose their equilibrium and commit domestic violence as a relationship is under strain and stress. Some people have anger management challenges that come to light in a marriage or relationship. If you have reason to believe that you or your children are at risk because your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend has been violent or threatening, contact an attorney.

Do You Need Defense After Being Named in a Restraining Order?

On the other hand, a spouse or partner who is unfairly named in a restraining order faces major disruptions in life.

He or she is typically barred from entering their own home, which can be terribly disruptive to one's professional, financial and personal life.

The named spouse or partner may be blocked from having access to his or her own children, which can be very distressing both to the children and to the parent who is separated from them.

If convicted, a person accused of domestic violence will have a criminal record, which can be detrimental in many areas of life.

The accusing spouse or partner often wishes to renege the next day — but it is too late. Once New Jersey law enforcement agents are involved, a domestic violence case becomes a government concern as well as a private concern.

Contact a Newark Domestic Abuse Lawyer

Can your wife or husband prove the domestic violence accusations against you? How will you defend yourself? Need to find an attorney? Skip the lawyer referral service and talk to a New Jersey domestic violence defense lawyer to schedule a consultation. Family law attorneys of Scura, Wigfield, Heyer & Stevens, LLP, welcome your inquiry. We have helped many people obtain and defend against restraining orders. Contact us by phone or e-mail to schedule a consultation. We have the best lawyers in New Jersey.

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