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Tips for Moving On After Bankruptcy

Written by Scura Law Firm | June 15, 2011

We've all heard the old saying, "Life goes on." Well, the old saying is true, and it applies very well to those who have gone through bankruptcy.

To be sure, there are challenges. Filing for bankruptcy will impact your credit rating in the short term. It will also take time to rebuild your finances. And the emotional stress of dealing with financial difficulties is not something that anyone gets over overnight.

Your main focus, however, should be on the debt-free future that bankruptcy can open up for you. You've been given a second change, and you should make the most of it.

How to Move On After Filing Bankruptcy

Start with a concerted effort to stop being so hard on yourself over past financial mistakes. Instead, move on - and take tangible steps that will help you going forward, such as developing a budget that you are committed to living by.

If you are still dealing with any feelings of regret, guilt or shame associated with your past problems, keep in mind that you are not alone in encountering financial struggles.

Consider that in 2010, the number of personal bankruptcies increased to over 1.5 million, up 9 percent from the year before. In a struggling, post-Recession economy, you are among many people seeking a firmer financial footing.

At Scura, Wigfield, Heyer & Stevens, LLP. we know you need to move on, and it's important to do that in a smart, strategic way. Take advantage of our blog which is regularly updated, along with contacting our offices if you are considering filing bankruptcy or need help with any other legal matters.

Source: "Life After Bankruptcy: 5 Steps to Rebuilding Your Credit, Finances and Emotions"