Bicycles are one of the most vulnerable vehicles on the roads and are even more vulnerable than motorcyclists. In 2010, almost 800 bicycle fatalities were reported with an estimated 515,000 bicycle related injuries. Owing to the gravity of the problem, New Jersey law makes a lot of provisions regarding bicycle safety norms.
A 61-year-old bicyclist was recently hit by a car in the early morning while crossing Horseneck Road in Fairfield, New Jersey. The preliminary accident investigation revealed that the bicyclist was wearing a helmet during the accident. The victim was taken to a nearby hospital to be treated. No status update was received regarding the victim's condition.
Many bicycle safety awareness programs are conducted by New Jersey every year. Bicyclists are regularly warned to wear helmets every time they ride their cycles. Protective helmets are imperative in preventing head and brain injuries.
Bicycle helmet laws have been enacted by the New Jersey government. Bicyclists are also encouraged to use active lighting which refers to both front and rear lights on a bike. Fluorescent clothing may also make the bicyclist more visible in daytime, while retro reflective clothing may also help with visibility during the night. Improving visibility may thus prevent many bicycle accidents.
A victim of bicycle accident may suffer severe injuries. Head injuries and brain injuries are some of the most common injuries suffered by bicyclists. It has been estimated that bicycle related injuries cost around $5 million annually in medical expenses.
Source: The Progress, "Bicyclist struck by car in Fairfield," Sept. 8, 2014