New Jersey businesses have a responsibility to keep people safe when they are on the businesses' property. This includes making sure the property is properly maintained and that any obvious dangers -- like water on the floor -- are fixed as soon as possible. When businesses fail to live up to this standard accidents are likely.
A New Jersey casino has been sued after a trip-and-fall accident. The accident occurred as a woman was walking up a cobblestone ramp within the casino in Aug. 2011. The woman claims that the uneven ground caused her to fall. In the fall the woman sprained her ankle. This sprain has caused serious problems for the woman. She claims that she hasn't been able to do some of the activities she used to following the fall, she has suffered lost wages, incurred medical expenses and has suffered physical pain.
In the suit, the woman says the fall was a result of the casino's negligence. She claims that the casino failed to maintain the premises, failed to warn patrons of the danger and failed to keep people away from the defect.
The casino has asked the court to move the case from state court to federal court. The casino has argued that since the amount of damages likely exceeds $75,000 and since the plaintiff and defendant are from different states that federal court is the proper jurisdiction. Recently, the court has agreed and the case will move forward in federal court.
Premises liability laws protect people from suffering from slip-and-fall accidents and other accidents when a property owner is negligent. New Jersey residents should seek to understand their legal rights when they have gotten hurt on someone else's property.
Source: The Pennsylvania Record, Casino slip-and-fall suit removed from Phila. Common Pleas Court to federal venue