New Jersey residents understand that the loss of a loved one can be one of the most emotionally difficult and devastating events in life. When a loved one is killed in an accident that could have been avoided, or where another person is at fault, many questions may remain unanswered, including whether it could have been avoided.
In 2011, a teenager was fatally shot by police. As a result of the shooting, the teen's girlfriend, and mother of the couple's infant child, has filed a wrongful death suit. The man allegedly fled from an interrogation room where he was being questioned regarding a domestic violence charge. The man was surrounded by law enforcement officers and allegedly failed to comply with the commands. When police opened the door of the building the man was hiding in, he allegedly advanced towards police with a saw and hammer. The man was shot five times by police, and was pronounced dead shortly after.
The wrongful death suit claims the man posed no immediate or actual threat or danger to anyone. The suit is naming Garfiled, Bergen County and Brito and Keenan police departments as defendants to the suit.
A wrongful death lawsuit can be filed when a person is killed as a result of the negligence or misconduct of someone else, or a company or entity. Typically, a wrongful death suit belongs to the individual's immediate family members such as a surviving spouse or children, and occasionally, parents.
While filing a lawsuit may seem ghoulish, it may be necessary in some cases. Finances can become increasingly burdensome from either medical bills, funeral expenses or the loss of a primary bread winner. A lawsuit can help a victim's family with a damages award that can cover the loss of support and services, as well as both medical and funeral costs.
If a loved one has died as a result of an accident cause by the negligence of another, you may be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against those responsible. An attorney can help advise you as well as evaluate your case.
Source:, "Girlfriend of Garfield teen killed by police files wrongful death lawsuit"