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News Stories and Articles

Graco Issues National Product Recall of High Chairs


High chairs are charged with holding our most precious cargo but their safety can sometimes be overlooked. New Jersey parents may have recently heard about an upsetting recall of Graco high chairs that could collapse and injure a child.

New Jersey Helicopter Crash: More Questions than Answers


Oftentimes when an accident occurs and there are no survivors, it can take time for an investigation to reveal the cause. This can be difficult for family members who want to know why a fatal accident occurred and the circumstances surrounding the death of a loved one.

Dangerous New Jersey Water Ride Injures Five

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Amusement parks are great fun for New Jersey families but the thrill of the rides must come with a commitment to safety by park operators. Last week, an accident occurred on a water ride at a Vernon amusement park that, under a previous owner, had been the subject of premises liability lawsuits.

Dangerous Medical Device Not Approved by FDA Before Marketing


New Jersey is the scene of a series of significant products liability lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson in regard to a vaginal mesh implant it produces. Now, a new development notes that Johnson & Johnson, headquartered in New Brunswick, allegedly marketed the Gynecare Prolift for more than three years before the FDA cleared it for sale. In fact, the device may have been on the market before the FDA even knew it existed.

Jury Awards $4 Million in Camden County Accident


Last month, jurors awarded more than $4.8 million to the family of a victim in a fatal workplace accident in Pitman, New Jersey. The victim's family also received compensation in separate settlements.

The accident occurred in 2005. The victim was driving a pallet truck in a warehouse, and the truck's electronic brakes failed. The pallet truck collided with a steel rack and crushed the victim between the truck and the rack. The victim and his family filed a suit in civil court in 2007, and the victim died in late 2009.

New Jersey Slip-and-Fall Case May Go to Trial


Property liability laws are in place to provide a safety net for people who are injured on other people's property. This means that commercial property owners, homeowners and landowners may be held accountable financially when someone is injured on their property.

Pfizer Birth Control Recall Could Lead to Litigation


Pfizer's recall of oral contraceptive pills last week may affect many women in New Jersey. Concerned that pill packets might not have contained enough active pills to prevent pregnancy, the manufacturer identified 14 lots of Lo/Ovral-28 tablets and 14 lots of Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol tablets in the recall. That is at least one million potentially problematic pills.

New Jersey Hospital Struggles to Settle with Creditors in Bankruptcy

It's well known that lots of money is spent on healthcare in America. But all that spending does not necessarily insulate healthcare corporations from financial problems that may require debt relief. So a New Jersey hospital may sometimes need a New Jersey Chapter 11 bankruptcy attorney.

Bankruptcy Judge Dismisses Harrisburg Petition

According to Bloomberg, the City of Harrisburg's bankruptcy case was thrown out by a bankruptcy court that ruled the city council was not authorized to file the petition for Pennsylvania's capital.

Bankruptcy Group Pushes Principal Pay Down Petition

The National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA) has developed a Principal Pay Down Plan, which would provide immediate relief for qualified homeowners who find themselves underwater on their mortgages.  Economists and other experts all agree that housing must stabilize before we have a full blown economic recovery.   The Principal Pay Down plan proposes to reduce the interest rate on mortgages to 0% for 5 years, monthly payments would be lowered and every dollar applied to the principal.  This Plan provides multiple benefits.  It would help families trying to save their homes, stabilize communities, and help prop up the ever declining housing market. 

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