Facing financial troubles can be stressful, especially when you're worried about losing your assets to creditors. New Jersey has specific rules that protect certain property from being taken by those...
Filing for bankruptcy can feel overwhelming, especially when you're unsure of what you'll be allowed to keep. In New Jersey, certain assets are protected under bankruptcy exemptions, safeguarding...
Facing financial hardship in New Jersey might have you considering bankruptcy, but how do you know if you qualify based on your income? As of now, a single earner's median income to file for...
The main goal of a bankruptcy case is to discharge the debtor of all debts. This means eliminating all remaining debts. In chapter 7, this happens usually within 90 days of filing. In chapter 13,...
Depositions can often be daunting. Whether a party to the action, or just a witness to certain facts, depositions are an intimidating but integral part of the discovery process. But what actually...
In the dynamic and complicated landscape of legal practice, the inclusion of retired judges within a law firm can significantly enhance the strategic capabilities and client outcomes. At Scura...
In New Jersey, once notice of probate is given by the proponent of a will, interested parties or next of kin typically have 120 days to contest a will. This period allows interested parties to file...
While it does not happen often, the bankruptcy code does update. Congress, as intended, is a slow moving machine when it comes to passing legislation. This often means certain areas of the law,...