Whether it is for necessities, a gift or a personal splurge, New Jersey residents often find themselves shopping at stores. While this is a relatively normal and routine task that appears to hold...
Property owners owe a duty of care to people who visit their property. This means that a homeowner, a commercial property owner or a rural landowner may be held responsible to compensate someone who...
Under premises liability, if a visitor to one's property suffers an injury due to an inherent fault on the premises, the victim may be entitled to file a lawsuit against the property owner. Premises...
Premises Liability in New Jersey
As a general rule, property owners owe a duty of care to those visiting or entering their property. Whether it is private property such as a home or property open to...
New Jersey residents who have been injured on another person's property may wonder what their legal rights are. Oftentimes their rights fall under the umbrella of premises liability. Premises...