Perhaps the biggest misconception of filing for bankruptcy is how long it takes to rebuild your credit. The amount of time a bankruptcy stays on your credit report varies depending on the type of...
When a person files for bankruptcy, they are beginning a complicated legal proceeding that involves multiple moving levers. Doing so creates obligations for both debtors and creditors, while also...
Under the bankruptcy code, a debtor my reject certain “executory contracts” as they can be considered liabilities to the estate. What this means is that a debtor may choose to assume, or reject,...
While it does not happen often, debtors do sometimes pass away while their Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case is still pending. Those in their old age, or those attempting to discharge...
Discharge in bankruptcy means to eliminate, or wipe out, a debt. Under a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for example, unsecured debt, such as credit cards, personal loans, or medical bills, can be completely...
You got your credit report in, and it is not looking too great for your score. Due to a myriad of unfulfilled financial commitments, your credit score is too low to take out new loans. For now, you...
It is not an understatement to say that filing for bankruptcy can impact your credit score. Many fear the intense impact such a filing can have on their score, fearing apocalyptic repercussions of...
A lot of uncertainty comes when filing for bankruptcy. You set out in life with dreams of financial prosperity, only to need bankruptcy relief when life gets in the way. There are several anxieties...
All consumers should be aware of their credit score by checking their credit report. Amongst other benefits, periodically checking your score ensures that fraudulent activity is timely recognized and...
A bankruptcy can last on your credit for up to ten years after the filing, but it does not mean that you cannot get credit in those ten years. It may be harder to get credit initially after the...