Not all debts go away in a bankruptcy. Certain types of debt are nondischargeable. Potentially nondischargeable debts, those for money, property, services, or an extension, renewal, or refinancing of...
You should always investigate and look to see whether bankruptcy is the best option for you. There are various helpful websites that provide information on bankruptcy and can be helpful in making a...
Changes in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Law Treatment of Condominium Association Liens
Over the past year, New Jersey bankruptcy law concerning condominium association liens and their treatment under a ...
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Filing for Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy was established by the federal government as a safety net for honest debtors who would otherwise be burdened for years or a lifetime by...
In a chapter 13, you still generally have to pay off secured loans in full, but you can restructure overdue payments or payments that have fallen in arrears. Unlike a chapter 7, in a chapter 13, you...
Bankruptcy Fact and Fiction
Some people shy away from bankruptcy or wait too long to file because of misinformation. Sadly, they needlessly suffer through hardships or forfeit hard-earned assets. At...
Dealing with money issues is already a tough situation, but a debtor could go through more financial problems and deal with more complications when they are receiving calls from creditors. Our firm...
While owning a home is considered to be part of the "American dream," it could also lead to major source of financial problems for families and individuals in New Jersey. As it is the case for many...
Coming to terms with debt is not always easy; however, dealing with debt is more than just addressing financial problems. For some debtors in New Jersey, it also means preventing mistreatment by...
When individuals are struggling to get by month-to-month or even week-to-week, they are not always sure where to turn. Our firm understands that residents in New Jersey often encounter financial...