Real estate foreclosure in New Jersey has many technical requirements and many different time frames to keep track of whether or not you are the lender or the borrower. Sometimes when title defects...
Foreclosure is the action of taking possession of a mortgaged property when the mortgagor (borrower) fails to keep up with their mortgage payments. The collateral is ultimately put up for sale by the...
Even before a foreclosure judgment is entered, a mortgage holder may be entitled to injunctive relief restraining a homeowner from collecting or receiving rents if it can show that it will...
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, many people have found themselves facing foreclosure wondering what their options are. When a secured lender files for foreclosure, the end game (unless...
A mortgage holder is entitled to an order appointing a rent receiver to collect rents (as that term is defined in the loan documents) and maintain the mortgaged premises in the event of a borrower’s...
After the market crash of 2008, 2.6 million Americans lost their jobs, and 1.2 million properties were foreclosed in 2009 due to the recession. As a result, many of the mortgage lenders that accepted...
For homeowners facing the imminent loss of their home to a foreclosure, the added threat of a personal deficiency judgment lurks in the background. Because a deficiency judgment is personal, it may...
U.S. District Judge Freda Wolfson recently ruled in favor of a homeowner’s claim for breach of contract after the mortgage company failed to honor a permanent modification after the homeowner...
Across the country, foreclosures have become an unfortunate reality for many homeowners. Most states, including New Jersey, require a lawsuit to be filed to effectuate the foreclosure process. In...
Many people in New Jersey prefer to rent rather than owning their home. While not owning a home means that the renter will be able to avoid facing foreclosure of that home if they fail to make...